Monday, February 28, 2011

The show must go on

Started the Juggernaut program by Chad Smith. A great volume based program with goals on increasing size and strength. While my goal is to increase work capacity through volume, it can be used with this protocol. Currently doing 5's.

I love the wave cycles, and how he already has it so that you can incorperate 5-3-1 with it. He draws on a lot of information from Jim Wendler and Doug Young. Both are great lifters and deserve some looks.

I am sick, but was still able to do
Squat: 245x2, 270x2, 290x4x5
Deficit Dead Lift (3 plates): 320x3, 340x3, 365x3
Hanging Leg Raises, feet to bar: 3x5

I plan on teaching a class, so I am holding off on the unilateral leg and hard ab work.

I intended to do agility and medicine ball power tosses as a warm up; however, due to me being sick and factors outside of the weight room I felt it would be wise to hold back.

My skill training with Jiu Jitsu had to be on hiatus fro the past few days. Not having money for the seminar on Saturday, class being canceled for monday and friday....and a possible skin infection...I am not enthused. Hopefully all will resolve itself within the next few days. NCAA says 3 days of treatment then start. This is a great ruling, but I might make it 4. We shall see.

Power and Happiness

Kevin Holmes

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


With four hours of sleep on a squat day on 5/3/1, on cycle be(3x3) i was able to get 5x285 with crisp form. That was incredibly exciting.

The format above was too much and unfortunately i have to monitor my volume closely due the classes. After my boot camp class last night, I felt as though i was training on the nerve. I think i made the wise choice of opting out of BJJ.

For exercises, I am attempting to evaluate the material to determine which will yield best results while staying consistent with my goals of keeping my back pain free and attempting to heal my shoulder. Will update on that.

Live on brutes

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Recovery and Results

Recently I had competed in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Tournament and had met a man from my association which was pitted to win against me. Both of us were considered the top of the 180> class in the purplebelt division. All previous competitors were submitted with a triangle choke or lost position and then were submitted. Fear is something that I refuse to let inhabit my mind during the competition. Taking a week off and getting ready for it, I felt good.

We met in the semi finals with a battle of nothing but "almost" with no position change with the exception of me throwing him into turtle or each of us attempting to gain position and submission. Resulting in a loss due to no points and a single advantage, I was furious. Losing is something I despise more than anything else, but I will say that the both of us had near heart attacks after the competitive 7 minute match.

Now, I am sore in my gluts, lats, and triceps from the tournament which I placed third due to the winner. Additionally, I had an exercise class to teach both Sunday and Monday. I do not think that they helped.

The results though? Well, I know I need to accept the fact that not everyone's grips will be consistently broken which I am used to. I also need to work on passing against a man that will not let go. Finally, the cardiovascular conditioning still needs improving so I can continue to operate at such a high level.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dan John's 40 days, BJJ, and metabolic conditioning...making sure i do not over train

I have been doing a modified version of Dan John's 40 day program combined with as much skill training as I can muster.

This low volume, high frequency program is good for developing strength while lightly touching on conditioning. I find it a great way to lead into skill training as it warms the body up. I have been performing wave cycling for the loads and will continue to post em as I continue. Currently, I am on the 7th day of the program with a nagging issue with my back, causing me to back off from the deadlift today; however, I feel great with the exception of my back.

The workout consists of

3x3 arch or bench press
3x3 weighted pull ups
4x2 straight or trap bar dead lifts
2x5s hold front lever or hanging leg raises
25-50 KB snatches
followed by 15 minutes of stretching

I have made great progress, allowing myself to arch press 245 for 3x3 fairly easily and pulling 4x2 375 off of the floor extremely well. The back pain is actually from an exercise class I teach on sundays and mondays. This leads me to develop something similar to the cross fit methodology or Pavel's recommendation for athletes

Keep total reps under 10, train skill as often as possible, and do your complimentary work on the days you do not perform strength

The crossfit method of 3 on and 1 off is good, but is not conducive to my lifestyle.

Currently, I am looking at my schedule as follows
P= Power training
C= Conditioning
J= Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
R = Rehabilitation and Recovery

Sunday = R
W = off
F = PJ

I will see how this treats my body.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Introducing Iron to a Construction Worker

I have worked construction before and it is a good way to create some functional strength. Moving heavy objects, overhead lifting, climbing, balancing, and of course swinging your hammer. It'll make a lot of work capacity, but led me to question balanced development.

This brings me to my friend, a 6'5" 200 lbs young man. An injured knee and a history of elbow fractures make this guy seem like a mechanical train wreck. Thoracic kyphosis, a weak anterior chain, and an over powered posterior chain are some pretty evident issues without even going into movement.

The question then comes, how do you correct this without adding strength to disfunction. The answer came to me. If I could fulfill a promise to make work easier/ less painful, he would gladly hit up the gym. This is part of his New Years Resultion, along with quitting smoking.

So, addressing what his weaknesses and what he desired, some ideas resinated.
My goals came to: enforce shoulder retraction (Row), increase absolute strength (Dead Lift) , increase core strength and hamstring mobility (Hanging Leg Raises), and increasing pressing strength while developing the chest (Bench Press).

the program is strength focused and as conducted as such

5x2 of all of your exercises,
Followed by the "finisher" or the burpee for a set of 25

He was a little sore, but like all else, it will pass.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It was good to be back into the gym. Unfortunately, I will be unable to train today; however, I will be able to spend time with my wonderful lady.

This Protocol Was inspired by Barry Ross, producing some amazing results with The Holy Grail in Speed Training. Check it out.

Yesterday, I was able to perform the arch press. This variation allows you to floor press without the need of a spotter or a power rack. Place the barbell on the hips, bridge for the arch, then press. Make sure shoulders are retracted down and back as you squeeze your glutes and power breathe.

Arch Press with power grip followed by 6x depth push ups
205#x5, 215#x5

Sumo Dead Lift with alternated grip, Drop at knees and continue extension. This was followed by 6x broad jumps

All were followed by 2x3 side press with a 70# KB and and a half, front lever, 2x2 (each side) with a 4 second hold.

Then the day was followed by Arm Locks from Side Body. In both positions. It was followed by 4x6 min matches. Only competition was the instructor, while the rest were white belts...Hopefully it will be different on Wednesday.

Next workout will be similar, Focusing on the Arch Press, Sumo Dead Lift, and Weighted Pull Ups. The Turkish Get up will be added for core and functional rehabilitation for my shoulders.

Unleash the Beast

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cool Friends Bringing The HEAT!

Yesterday, I gave a long time friend a phone call to see what he was doing since I drove back into town. This good friend of mine had wound up introducing me into the world of business, martial arts instruction, BJJ, and really helped me in my quest for fitness. A great coach, training partner, and even a better friend hosted a pre-holiday TRX endurance challenge. He has also been a man of great endurance and perseverance and really helped me decide where I wanted to go in life. Consequently, I took it up and drove down there for the work-out.

20x Roll Outs, Sprinter Lunge, Single Leg Push Up
2 minutes box step ups (minute each leg)
10x T-Y Reverse Flies, 20x Plyo Pistols (l, r) and rows
2 minute box step ups (minute each leg)
10x Prone suspended Olbique Crunch (l,r), 30s Suspended Plank, 20x Hamstring Curls

Water Break

20x Roll Outs, Sprinter Lunge, Single Leg Push Up
2 minutes Speed Rope
10x T-Y Reverse Flies, 20x Plyo Pistols (l, r) and rows
2 minute Speed Rope
10x Prone suspended Olbique Crunch (l,r), 30s Suspended Plank, 20x Hamstring Curls

Lateral Step ups 3 minutes

The intensity and pace was just like I remembered...ah yes.

Unleash The Beast!